日本財団 図書館


(a) Railway: Table of Number of Passengers by Different Train Services 1995 (SRT)


Table of OD Between Prefectures 1995 (Ministry of Transport and Communications)


(b) Airline: Table of OD Between Prefectures 1995 (Ministry of Transport Communications)


(c) Total transport volume by all kinds of transport means:


SRT Master Development Plan Study February 1993 (Thailand Development Research Institute Foundation)


For the data above, the following correction will be made.


1/ Because the data in the total volume by all kinds of transport means at (c) above is collected for the year 1990, a population increase rate is applied to correct the data for 1995.


2/ Because transport volume data for the road system is not available, OD by the road system is estimated by subtracting the transport volumes performed by the railways and airlines from the total transport volume by all kinds of transport means.


7) Extracting OD as subject to forecasting


Flows of people in the regions other than Bangkok seem to be small. The OD whose trip destination or starting point is set to Bangkok are picked up for forecasting.





